Direct Save Telecom

Everything you need to know about Direct Save Telecom in under two minutes.
As you can tell from the name, the core of Direct Save Telecom is low prices.
Their main aim is for people to save money on their broadband and landline.
So that’s what they focus on – those two key products.
But that said, their broadband range is extensive with many options to choose from.
Direct Save Telecom Broadband
Direct Save Telecom’s full fibre broadband network is larger than most providers.
Plus, they provide broadband in areas where full fibre isn’t available too.
This means that they have a lot of different broadband products.
The biggest differences between the products are:
The type of technology used.
And the maximum speed they are capable of.
Direct Save Telecom use a few different types of routers.
The router you get depends on the broadband product you select.
Direct Save Telecom Home Phone
A landline is provided with some broadband products.
With others it’s available as an optional extra.
There is a choice of call plans to choose from.
And you can get a Direct Save Telecom landline on its own if you don’t want broadband.
That’s it, you’re done.
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